
luke is 17 months old! 3.6.11

you make our hearts sing! we love you luke!

things you love to do these days:
*ride this very bike all over the house
*spin around and get dizzy especially when your favorite music is playing
*play with your helicopter toy and watch it follow you as you pull it behind you
*help daddy take out the garbage
*turn light switches on and off
*open and close doors and say "dah" for any word that starts with "d" (includes door, dad, down, dog)
*play ball with daddy - "he shoots. he scores."
*"read" a ton of books a day and point to various objects in the books
*do the sign for banana when you see them sitting on the table and then eat at least one a day
*sing, hum, and dance to your favorite songs from Ralph's World
*point to each of your family members when we ask "where is..." either in person or in photos
*point to your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly, toes, head, hair, knees
*walk really fast up and down our long hallway
*play cars and trucks all day

we can't wait to see what you have in store for us next month!

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