Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We're all caught up now, right? Just kidding of course! Here is a rewind of the last month of Luke's life (sorry it's been so long). Start from the very bottom and work your way up for everything to be in sequence.
Now, after Luke's first 16 hour road trip, his first Christmas, his first cough and cold (that he caught from his cousin Ella), his first laugh (we think out of deliriousness from riding in the car from Athens to Bowling Green, KY), he is finally back home in Chicago and a happy boy!
Luke's first college visit to UGA. Albeit, 17 years too early, but why not, right? Perhaps he could come here on a basketball scholarship the way he keeps growing (wishful thinking by some proud parents of course)!

The Johnson and Bridges family portrait. My, how life has changed since our Costa Rica trip last March. (Notice how both boys have on different outfits than the previous picture? Let's just say that these boys know how to drool, spit-up and blow through clothes!)

On December 27th, the Bridges family came from Greenville, SC for a visit. Luke finally got to meet his buddy Will for the first time! Will and Luke are only 4 days apart in age.
Finding his trusty thumb after a long day of celebration.
Gramps plays a tune on his harmonica for Luke. Luke also heard many cowboy tales while he spent time with his Gramps.
And this was the view we had from the other side of the table. :)
Luke celebrated his mommy's (12/26) and daddy's (1/4) birthdays in style with birthday hats. Kathryn picked them out for everyone to wear and they sure were a hit! When was the last time YOU wore a cone birthday hat?
Mike made this great s'more for his little sister. Oh, and Luke is showing off one of his Christmas gifts from Santa - his blue bear hat! He definitely needs this in Chicago.
The day after Christmas, we all gathered around a camp fire to celebrate the birthday kids (Kristin and Eric) and did s'mores outside! We had to bundle up Georgia style, but it was so worth it!
Luke hanging out with his Uncle Mike and Aunt Stephanie on Christmas day. Because they have so much experience with little-ones, they were able to give us some techniques on how to soothe little Luke with some anti-gas drops. A big thank you from Luke and his parents!
While Luke didn't get to see Santa, he did get to meet Mrs. Claus on Christmas morning! Oh wait...that's Gram!

Christmas morning. Notice how Luke's parents are all bleary-eyed. He was so excited about his first Christmas that he woke up several times the night before in anticipation. We secretly think he wanted to see Santa again. :)
Christmas morning. Notice how Luke's parents are all bleary-eyed. He was so excited about his first Christmas that he woke up several times the night before in anticipation. We secretly think he wanted to see Santa again. :)
Luke's first Christmas present that he "opened" on Christmas Eve. He had to have this onesie ready to wear for Christmas day!
Luke's first Christmas Eve celebration with all his family in Georgia. We had a wonderful meal and then we headed off to church right after this picture was taken.
Luke and his Great Grammie from Maine. Luke is able to thank her in person for his first L.L. Bean flannel shirt.
Luke meets his Great Aunt Carla and Great Uncle David who live in Tulsa, OK. And just for the record David, you are not inconsequential!
Luke met his second cousin Kathryn from Tulsa, OK and her baby. We shared stories about our babies and it seems as though both Luke and I need to take some cues from Kathryn and her baby. Her baby sleeps during nap time and through the night already.
Luke and his Uncle Mike! We're not sure if Mike knows what to do with a little boy as he has tons of experience with three little girls, but we still trust him. :)
Luke meets his Georgia cousins in person. Makayla, Ella and Anna (left to right).
It's 4:30 in the morning on Tuesday, December 22nd, and we're loaded up and ready to hit the road. 16 hours later, Luke finally arrives at his Gram and Gramps' home in Athens, GA. He did really well, only cried through Chatanooga and Atlanta, but by that time, we were all very anxious to get out of the car.
The Sunday (12.20.09) before Christmas Luke had a very busy day seeing all his daddy's family.
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