yesterday (1.27.10), luke had his repeat brain eeg just down the street from us at children's memorial hospital. this eeg is to see whether or not luke has any abnormal brain activity still occurring. if the test comes back clean, then his neurologist will work with us to help wean him off of his nightly dose of anti-seizure medication.
luke was scheduled for a sleep deprived eeg, so we had a huge task ahead of us to keep him up for awhile before the test at 8:45 am. we were directed to get him up at 5:00am and to keep him awake until the test, so he could fall asleep pretty quickly once all hooked up. eric did a great job of keeping him awake as they watched the KU/Missouri game from monday night that was recorded on our dvr. that was a special treat for luke as he doesn't get to watch much tv, so he was more than happy to stay awake.
once at the hospital, he did such a good job of being patient and still while the technician put the electrodes onto his head with some sticky goo (which he still has in his hair). then once he was all hooked up it was "go time" and he was supposed to fall asleep. well, that took a little bit of time since he was overtired, but then he fell asleep and took at 30 minute nap while the eeg did its thing. after the procedure, we all came home and luke took at three hour nap and then a one hour nap later in the day to make up for all the lost sleep. i think he's still even making up for it today as he's napped pretty well today (and he's typically a bad day time napper).
we are certainly anxiously awaiting the test results and were told that we should hear something sometime next week. we pray for a clean read and that we are able to start weaning luke from his medicine. please keep luke and the test results in your prayers.
eric and luke trying watching the ku/missouri game. as you can see, luke is totally zoned out, but awake! and eric, well, he's got a bad case of bed head. love you ej!! :)
our little luke all hooked up to the electrodes and sleeping peacefully. we sure hope this is the last time he has to go through this.

luke back home. rested. and playing!
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