When we were pregnant with Luke, we decided not to find out his gender until his birthday. It was such a wonderful surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed being the one to announce the "it's a boy" news in the delivery room and to all of our parents right after he was born. This time around we decided to find out the baby's gender at the mid-point of the pregnancy, but I still wanted the element of surprise involved. So, this is where we called in my mom. We invited my mom to come with us to our 20-week ultrasound and she is the only one that walked away with a slip of paper revealing the gender. She then did a little shopping and wrapping and we all sat down together to learn the baby's gender. Here is how it went down in photos.
Quick family photo before finding out if we were on team pink or team blue (for the record, I thought boy and Eric thought girl).

Blue!! It's a boy!! So excited to be surrounded by boys!! A girl's dream. Baby Boy is due 3/26/12.
Luke is gearing up for his role as big brother!
Watching over his little brother's bunny.
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