we are so proud of our luke and are in such awe over all the things that transpired during this last year. two days after he was born when we received his "infantile stroke" diagnosis we just didn't know what would be in store for him or us. he has been a joy to us each and every day (yes, even the days of lots of crying as a newborn). we thank God for this precious gift we've been given and give him all the Glory. i just love hearing his belly laugh fill our house, watching him discover new things, and seeing his little personality develop. i have a feeling we're in for a fun year ahead of us!
luke playing with his birthday balloons on his big day - what a cheap form of entertainment.
waking up from his morning nap. bed-head and all. if you look carefully you can see he even has a little birthday cake left on his face from his big party on saturday. oh, wait. maybe that's breakfast. ;)
if you didn't notice, it's luke's first birthday! just wanted to make sure everyone knew.
a special treat to spend his actual b-day with his gram and gramps!
luke's first ever birthday lunch (at one of our favorite neighborhood spots - harmony grill). it was such a nice day out that we even got to sit outside! a very special treat for the birthday boy.

the token pictures of mommy and daddy with the little man of the day.
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