
luke randomness...

just a smattering of pictures of luke in action. he is so much fun to be around and i absolutely love calling him my son!
- he's still army crawling everywhere, but gets up on his hands and knees a lot and we feel like the real crawling is around the corner
- he is pulling himself up on furniture and toys around the house and we have to constantly watch him to make sure he doesn't fall over backwards or sideways while performing his new tricks
- he waves bye-bye
- he has three teeth now (2 bottom, 1 top) and loves to show them off with his smiles
- he loves to eat three square meals a day (sweet potatoes are his favorite!)
- he makes the cutest squinty faces at momma and daddy
- his giggle is still the best sound ever
- he is starting to flirt with cute girls (lifeguard today was one of them and sarah in the church nursery is a true favorite)
- and he sleeps through the night from 7 pm to 6:30ish am every day and takes 2-3 naps a day (pure joy for his parents!)

daily swing time at the local park.

luke being goofy. a too small shirt stuck on his head

this kid loves his reflection and watching the world go on around him through it.

luke using the mirror to look at his momma.

up on hands and feet!

green bean face!

this is how luke uses the exersaucer these days.

our sweet boy in his sweet dedication outfit again.

luke's last time in his infant seat (he graduated to the convertible carseat). he thought it was so funny to say goodbye!

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