we love that luke is two. we are completely humbled by the way God has been working in his life and how He has protected him and grown him so perfectly. luke's little (and sometimes very big!) personality is just so fun. at this stage in the game he loves all things sesame street (especially elmo), trains, airplanes, swimming, music, and spending time with his daddy. he's now sleeping in a toddler bed and enjoying his big boy freedom. he also has a lot of words and while we still have to translate a lot of what he says for others, we know what he's trying to communicate 90% of the time. we look forward to seeing how luke changes over this next year and all the fun things in store for him.

our 2 year old birthday boy!
luke's 2nd birthday party wouldn't have been complete without his dearest friends, elmo and cookie!

birthday treats (from sweet mandy b's, of course)!
luke isn't shy about digging into his cake this year!
birthday luke and his mommy and daddy.
we had even more birthday celebration the day after his party as eric was heading out of town for the week and would be gone for luke's actual birthday. and of course, elmo, cookie, big bird, and gram (or Bam, as luke calls her) were in on the action.
luke and his new train table! choo-choo!
then on monday we spent the morning at Goebbert's pumpkin farm. we had a beautiful day and luke enjoyed going from one activity to the other.

running through the pumpkin tunnel.

luke said he wanted to go for a pony ride...
...but once we got in the ring, he didn't want to get on the pony, so we just watched from the side-lines. good thing they give refunds! we'll try again next year.
luke is on his quest to find the perfect pumpkin.
then on wednesday we took luke to the "all aboard diner" for a fun birthday treat. trains, trains, everywhere! the train right in front of us even delivered our food.
on luke's actual birthday we went and had birthday breakfast at starbucks (luke's favorite - and mommy's too)! luke got to wear his pjs and we had a relaxing morning of breakfast sandwiches and milk.

at the end of the week, luke decided that he liked being two and that he is going to take his second year head on!