Christmas morning! Who's excited?!? Luke IS!!

Luke was patient and waited all day to open presents once his cousins arrived. And boy did his patience pay off!
Miss Ella and her stack of unopened presents! One happy little girl.
Johnson, party of three!
Once Mike and Stephanie and the girls gathered up everything to hit the road, we went outside and discovered THIS! We had a white Christmas night. Beautiful. We heard that it had been 100 years since Athens had a white Christmas. Somehow snow in Georgia is so much more magical and special than snow in Chicago.
And this is what the backyard looked like the day after Christmas (my birthday)!
So, let's go play!!
Cutest little snowman made by the visiting Russian. Oh wait, that's Mike!
The entire family all together.
Luke, Anna and Makayla checking out the angel Christmas tree. Still in awe.
Eric and I celebrate our birthdays together each year. This year Luke's not sure how he feels about his parents turning another year older. :)