can you walk walk walk like luke can?
just this past sunday eric and i turned to each other after watching luke walk around our living room and said "we officially have a walker." just wanted to share a fun video of luke walking all over our house today. he is on the move and lovin' every bit of it!
thanksgiving 2010
we had a great thanksgiving this year. we have so many blessings to be thankful for.

luke started out the day with a two hour nap (exactly what we were hoping for!) and then we headed out to schaumburg for our annual thanksgiving meals with eric's family. we had brunch at grandpa frank and grandma kathy's house and then went over to the orozco household to have our turkey dinner with grandma linda and grandpa tony. the food was delicious and the family time was so memorable. i'd say luke definitely enjoyed his first real thanksgiving meals this year!
gotta have the thanksgiving family shot.
and now the shot with luke and all his chicago cousins. it's so hard to believe he was collin's size last year. and now he's enjoying playing with alyssa's PSP. wow, so much changes in just a year! :)
playing a little basketball with his cousin christian who so thoughtfully let him borrow his #23 michael jordan jersey.
luke says "bring on the turkey!"

oh, and luke wanted to do a little turkey trot around the orozco house to work off some of the food. enjoy watching some of his first long distance steps!
jerkson family 2010 christmas card
that time of year is upon us. with thanksgiving just two days away (yikes!), the jerkson family is trying to get a leg up on designing our 2010 family christmas card. regrettably we didn't send one out last year since we had just sent out luke's baby announcements, so i am pretty excited to get one out this year.
this year we'll be ordering our cards from Shutterfly. we've used Shutterfly in the past for a couple of different projects (calendars and photobooks) and now i am super excited to start designing this year's card as Shutterfly offers a ton of beautiful holiday card options to choose from. i also love that some of the designs offer matching address labels!
we were looking for a very specific layout to accommodate the two pictures we wanted to include in our christmas card and Shutterfly had just the perfect card for us! plus, Shutterfly is running this great promotion where bloggers get 50 free holiday cards. can't beat that!
stay tuned as the jerkson family 2010 christmas card will be coming to a mailbox near you! but first, have a very happy thanksgiving!
first pair of shoes
since luke started to walk on his own, we decided it was probably a good time for him to get his very first official pair of shoes. we went to stride rite last weekend for the authentic experience.

getting measured. he clocked in at a size 6! i actually think he was born with a size 6 foot!
luke feeling the top of his shoe to see where his toes hit. :)
looking like a satisfied stride rite customer!

let's test these bad boys out! lookin' good luke!

black and blue
is it a coincidence that the same night luke discovers the art of climbing...
...that he also gets his first black and blue eye?
luke's lesson of the day...when your momma tells you to sit down in the bathtub, she is saying it for your own good.
bottom of the barrel
luke rarely empties out his entire toy bin in a single day. he typically is pretty satisfied with the toys that are out and he never looks for additional toys. well, this morning he was on a mission as he emptied out the entire toy basket before 9 am. it was one of those kinds of days!
luke gettin' comfy
in his big blue chair with the tv remote - one of his favorite toys these days. seriously - i think he takes after eric more and more every day. :)
luke and his buds in charlotte, nc
we headed down to charlotte, nc this past weekend to visit my dear friend, melissa, and her family. we had a wonderful time catching up, watching the 3 boys play together, and checking out charlotte. luke had a great time with his new playmates and all their fun toys. i thought i had a group picture of all of us, but can't seem to find it. so these pictures of the boys in action will have to do.

luke and william (born just two weeks apart) busy in their kitchen.

thomas (3.5) actually helping out in the kitchen making breakfast.
william and luke just playing with some cars. you know, doing man stuff.
*oh, and luke took his first independent steps while we were there! what a momentous event!
halloween 2010
well, this year's halloween wasn't too exciting. luke was sick and so we spent the entire halloween weekend relaxing and trying to nurse luke back to good health. poor guy.

nothing says comfort like resting with daddy and a couple of remote controls.
luke did finally get in his halloween costume - 2 days later for a picture with our monkey pumpkin.
yum, that monkey pumpkin ear sure is tasty!
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