luke and his momma had a great trip down to georgia last week to visit his gram, gramps, uncle mike, aunt stephanie and his three girl cousins - makayla, anna and ella. the warm southern weather provided a much needed break from the chicago winter and we enjoyed seeing the daffodils blooming. hopefully that means spring is around the corner for all of us in chicago too. here are some snapshots from the week.
luke flew the friendly skies for the first time in his life. he was such a good boy and didn't cry too much (wish we could say that about the ride home though - with a three hour delay, he was overtired and fighting sleep. i was that mom with a crying baby. oh well, at least it was only a 1.5 hour flight).

luke getting some lovin' from the girls (left to right - makayla, ella and anna).
luke enjoying a bedtime story with his gram.
luke's first time in a swing. he wasn't quite sure what to think of it, but we do know that he loved being outside without a hat on!
luke's buddy, will, and will's momma, katie, made a special trip from greenville, sc for a visit. we had such a great time catching up and trading "raising boys" stories. will is just four days older than luke and they are both about the same size and have a lot in common. this picture was taken during the few minutes that the boys were awake at the same time.
"cowboy luke" and "cowboy gramps" having a good ol' time ropin' and ridin.' a fun time to be had in the early morning while still wearing pjs!